Envision a society where everyone thrives through their talents and passions
What we do
We specialise in designing and implementing complete
Active Labour Market Programmes, covering every aspect from A to Z:



Coaching & Job Hunting




Coaching &
Job Hunting

Partnerships Management
Project Management and Administration
Our strengths
Entrepreneurial spirit
Innovation, agility, flexibility and speed of response.
Outreach and coaching in the beneficiaries' language.
Prompt development of lasting, win-win partnerships.
AI-enhanced tools and proprietary CRM.
Results measurement and assurance.
Unconventional, highly effective engagement strategies.
Continuously refined and standardised
client-centred processes.
Professional coaches, continuously updated.
outcome rate
(started employment, launched an independent activity, or began vocational training)
% of participants reporting improvements:
Knowledge of external reality
Thoughtful decision-making
Effective implementation
- 95.08%Enhanced
- 4.92%Maintained
- 0.00%Declined
- 91.52%Enhanced
- 8.23%Maintained
- 0.25%Declined
- 87.44%Enhanced
- 12.56%Maintained
- 0.00%Declined
Knowledge of external reality
- 77.92%Enhanced
- 22.08%Maintained
- 0.00%Declined
- 89.35%Enhanced
- 10.65%Maintained
- 0.00%Declined
Effective implementation
- 81.12%Enhanced
- 18.88%Maintained
- 0.00%Declined
Source: Latest 500 independent self-assessments from participants in our ongoing programmes.

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Our team
We are a social enterprise that embodies our guiding principle: ‘Putting Talents and Passions to Work©’. This ethos is the heartbeat of our team and extends through every aspect of our work, from coaching individuals to collaborating with organizations.
Central to our mission is a dynamic team of professional coaches. United in our shared mission, values, and principles, each coach brings a unique blend of cultural and professional backgrounds, linguistic skills, and a diverse array of ages and life experiences. This rich diversity is not just our strength; it’s the catalyst for our innovative approach and the significant impact we deliver.

Innovating for youth in a NEET situation, our programme “Click!” targets those spiralling into isolation. We reach them through a collaboration with a vast network of healthcare, social workers, and frontline professionals. We provide individualised coaching in 3 possible different languages and connect them with top-tier partner companies such as Coca-Cola, Starbucks and Zara. Our unique approach includes small paid tasks that foster confidence and self-awareness. This programme has been chosen for 4-year support from Actiris and the European Social Fund as of 2024.
In Brussels, Europe’s most cosmopolitan city and second globally, we offer this personalised job coaching programme free of charge to jobseekers, thanks to our partnership with Actiris, Brussels’ Public Employment Service. Continuously selected by Actiris since 2019 for this programme, our coaching is available in 5 languages at 3 locations and remotely, empowering the diverse job seekers in today’s dynamic labour market.
Funded by Brussels’ Public Employment Service Actiris from 2021 to 2025, this programme confronts age discrimination in the job market, specifically aiding job seekers over 50. We concentrate on breaking down barriers, enhancing self-confidence and providing highly effective job search tools and methods for participants. Our approach transforms age into an employment advantage, highlighting the value of experience, maturity, and reliability. This personalised job coaching, delivered by professional coaches who are also part of this age group, is accessible in 5 languages, across 3 locations, and remotely.
Trabajo en Bélgica
In 2019, OrientaEuro set up this innovative project backed by the Flemish Government, the European Social Fund and the VDAB, to address regional skills shortages by empowering Latin American immigrants. In partnership with 14 embassies and numerous associations and employers, this pioneering initiative has individually coached over 1200 participants towards their socio-professional integration. Continuously evolving, it remains a beacon of inclusive opportunity, offering, as of 2024, a blend of an online program and group coaching in Spanish, and opened now to the whole country.
Lokaal Partnershap Leuven "STEP"
Europa WSE launched a call to form local partnerships across various regions, uniting the Public Employment Service VDAB, respective Municipalities, and key strategic partners to address specific local needs. The goal is to empower people with complex challenges to take steps to participate fully in society, including finding work based on their passions and talents. OrientaEuro is honoured to participate in Leuven’s “Lokaal Partnerschap” called “STEP“ (Stronger Together Empowerment Programme), which started in 2024 for a six-year endeavour. OrientaEuro’s contribution is rooted in our extensive expertise in multilingual job coaching for individuals with migration backgrounds, fostering their effective and sustainable socio-professional integration.
OrientaEuro, as a mandated career centre since 2016 by the Public Employment Service VDAB, has been active in this strategic initiative by the Flemish Government. This programme aims to ensure the workforce’s future employability by offering affordable career coaching to Dutch-speaking individuals every six years. Eligible participants can receive up to 7 hours of professional career coaching and pay for it using a highly subsidised voucher (the “loopbaancheque”). Our commitment is to deliver impactful, personalised career coaching, adhering to the programme’s mission of fostering long-term professional growth and adaptability in a dynamic job landscape.
AICCA® – AI Career Coaching Assistant
News & Views

Sustain Abilities
Yesterday, we had the chance to join the final SustAIn.brussels sustainability workshop of 2024 at BeCentral. It was an inspiring afternoon of collaboration, innovation, and shared commitment to responsible and

Will AI Replace Job Coaches?
(Opinion article, by Roger Cohen) A new study from View.Brussels sheds light on how AI will impact different jobs. It categorises jobs into three groups: 1️⃣ Roles with strong AI

Co-creation: a win-win experience
Today, we worked with eight young participants from Click, our project in partnership with Brussels’ Public Employment Services Actiris and the European Social Fund, to continue improving the programme. They