News & Views


Stronger Together Empowerment Programme

Leuven’s Local Partnership, STEP, was officially launched successfully on June 20th. STEP stands for Stronger Together Empowerment Programme. Its mission is to support and accompany Leuven’s inhabitants who face multiple

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Click! in the press

The NEET (Not in Employment, Education or Training) Programme by Actiris, co-financed by the European Social Fund, has attracted media attention, and as a partner, we had the opportunity to

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Committed to socio-professional integration

At OrientaEuro, we are committed to socio-professional integration and recognise multilingualism’s pivotal role in facilitating this process. Empowering immigrants in their language resonates deeply with our mission! Last week, we

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Partnership with Ring Twice

One of the standout features of Click!, our innovative coaching program tailored for young adults aged 18-29, is the unique opportunity for ‘jobbing’. This element allows participants to engage in

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