Sustain Abilities

Yesterday, we had the chance to join the final sustainability workshop of 2024 at BeCentral. It was an inspiring afternoon of collaboration, innovation, and shared commitment to responsible and sustainable impact. OrientaEuro alongside CAPITAL vzw/asbl, SGBLab., Lora Learning and Outsight Studio, we reflected on the power of sustainability as a continuous exercise and commitment […]

Co-creation: a win-win experience

Today, we worked with eight young participants from Click, our project in partnership with Brussels’ Public Employment Services Actiris and the European Social Fund, to continue improving the programme. They volunteered to share their experiences and insights with us, giving us invaluable feedback on what has worked best for them, areas to focus on in […]

Committed to socio-professional integration

At OrientaEuro, we are committed to socio-professional integration and recognise multilingualism’s pivotal role in facilitating this process. Empowering immigrants in their language resonates deeply with our mission! Last week, we had the privilege of engaging with Spanish-speaking participants at BAPA Convivial, one of Brussels’ reception offices. Our session delved into the intricacies of the labour […]

Inclusion at the workplace

Inclusion at the workplace, with positions regardless of age, gender, or nationality, was at the core of the kickstart of a screening and hiring initiative, organized by JobRoad ivzw on April 24th, hosted at the International House of Leuven. Among the participating companies were Inditex, @Ferm, DPD (Belgium) NV/SA, SD Worx Belgium, imec, Labcorp, Sofico, […]

The FACT app

OrientaEuro wholeheartedly recommends the FACT app (First Aid Communication Tool) for its effectiveness in bridging communication gaps and its positive impact on social integration. Through partnerships with Public Employment Services, France Travail France Travail, Le Forem, and VDAB, as well as the European Regional Development Fund and Interreg France-Wallonie-Vlaanderen AB Réfugiés emploi, FACT started in […]

European Day of Persons with Disabilities 2023

We are pleased to attend the “European Day of Persons with Disabilities 2023” at the European Commission. This year is marked as the European Year of Skills, presenting an invaluable opportunity to support the inclusion of persons with disabilities in both the labour market and wider society. The hashtag#EDPD2023 offers us an insightful platform to […]

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